
Monday, March 28, 2011

My little girls

a picture from Christmas time. My sweet little girls wearing their Christmas dresses. They were the most adorable things you ever did see!! (no, not biased in the least ;)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kicking off 2011

Spring is just around the corner (HOPEFULLY!) and with that, I'll be kicking off the 2011 Season of Shandy Vogt Photography!  Over the past several months I've taken a step back and evaluated my life. What's important to me. What's not. What's most deserving of my time. What's not. What do I have a passion for? What have I been doing only because I feel obligated? Where do I want this year to take me?  As I have thought about these questions, I've had some thoughts on the 3 most biggest influences in my life.

1). My Heavenly Father.  I want to help and serve others in a way that he would be pleased. I want to make good choices and follow the commandments. I want to develop the talents that he has blessed me with.

2) My family. Being a mom to 6 children is hard work! LOL  Just running a household of 8 takes a lot of time and logistical management! Even the basics of just keeping everyone fed and in clean clothes is no easy task. But I love it! I want to be there for my family - to teach them, to care for them, to play with them, to love them (to have time to go out on dates with my hubby!)

3) My photography. I love photography. I love blessing others with treasures that they'll look back upon for years and "remember when..."  I love being artistic and creative and being behind a lens. I love meeting new and wonderful people and interacting with them. I love seeing how filled with emotion they get when they see their photos for the first time. I love being the owner of Shandy Vogt Photography!

So as I sat there and pondered on where I wanted this year to take me... I knew I couldn't be as "busy" as I was last year.  I had started off the 2010 season saying I was only going to take 4 sessions a month. period. By the end of the year, I was doing close to 4 a week! I feel so humbled and honored that there are so many people in the Boise Valley (and surrounding areas) that want me to photograph them! It's hard for me to say "No" and I have to admit that it's quite a thrill to see a client inquiry email in your inbox!  So looking ahead to 2011, I have come up with "plan"! LOL  It's a plan that I must stick to!  For myself and for my family :)  Look no further (than the next line down - heeeee!) to see my plan ....

2011 PLAN
(it's really pretty simple and straight forward)

I will only be accepting 3 sessions a month.
Once the year is booked up (last year, I was booked for the year by July) then we will book out into 2012 or I can put you on a "waiting list" in case there are any cancellations.
I am not taking on any more weddings (although they are incredibly beautiful and so fun to shoot! they are just too time intensive for me at the moment)
I will also not be doing any large extended families this year (with more than 8-10 people)

I know that 3 sessions a month isn't going to be enough to accommodate everyone who inquires - but it's what I have to do to ensure I have balance in my life - and I know you guys understand :)
With all of that being said, I already have some sessions booked and so (for example) I've only got 2 spots left for April and May and June.  I anticipate with taking on such a limited number of session, I will be booked fairly quickly - so it's not too late to be thinking about fall portraits!

I'm excited for what this year will bring and what new friendships will be made!  I hope to hear from you soon!  You can use the Contact Me section under my Website or just email me a

and since I can't do a post without a photo - how about this one of my little twincesses all messy while eating a donut! They're going to be turning 3 next month! I can't hardly believe it!  Thanks for stopping by today and enjoy your week!! :)

Friday, March 4, 2011


this is going to literally be the.longest.blogpost. in the history of blogposts!  Well, not necessarily long in words, but long in PHOTOS!!  I haven't updated since the first part of October! YIKES!  I did keep (fairly) current over on Facebook... but the poor blog got neglected :(  Seeing as how now it's March of 2011 and Spring is knocking on our door, I wanted to share some of my favorite images from each session that never got highlighted!  We'll start in chronological order with October and go from there!
2010 went out with a bang and I had so much fun with each of my sessions!  I felt so blessed to have such wonderful clients (I know you hear lots of photographers say that, but it's true!) I feel so humbled that after searching around for the perfect photographer to capture your life... you chose ME!  Now for the rest of you, enjoy the images that have been patiently waiting for their debut!





I also did several Seniors (under my StudioV Brand) but thought I'd share them here as well as part of my "catch up"




PHEW... That's how I spent my October!  Moving on to NOVEMBER!





And this brings us up to December!   We left early in the month for a 3 week Christmas vacation to my family's home so I only had this one (super fun) session at the beginning of the month :)