so those of you who know me personally know that my husband gives a whole new meaning to BSU FAN! Yes, they are the face painting, cow bell ringing crazy loons in the South End Zone. He got this FANtastic idea of going to the first game of the season as BSU Elvis - the only problem.. I don't sew. So, he put a plea out on FB about swapping out photography for anyone who could sew not one.. but THREE large Elvis costumes (within a week - LOL)... and good ol' Ali Deeble came to the rescue! We were just so beyond thrilled with her masterpieces, I thought I'd show them here first before we get on to their sneak peek... .didn't she do an incredible job!? Thanks Ali!

So last night was my turn to pay back the favor - and I have to say that it was MY PLEASURE! I still can't get over how gorgeous all the fall colors are! They played in the leaves, gave piggyback rides and just enjoyed the awesome weather we had! It's been so calm and mild for the end of October! OH, and I loved their clothing too! (espcially mom's scarf!!). I know they've been anticipating their sneak peek as I told them it'd (most likely) be up last night - and although I had every intention on doing that, within about 5 min. of sitting down to edit I fell asleep! Yes, here at my desk - LOL. I guess all the late nights are catching up to me! So with renewed, FRESH eyes, I'm happy to present a little preview for the Deebles!

ok.. LOVE this one!!

and here is Ty trying to show mom how she should pose to look "more serious" - what a handsome lad!!

and there ya have it - another session capturing life as it happens :)