I think this will be a first - a post with my own kids (well, at least some of them anyway;)
Earlier last week, I was able to meet up with my good friend - Shaina. We were neighbors at one point a few years ago and we hit it off immediately after she moved into the cul de sac. I think it was within the first week that we started walking together in the mornings and it felt like her and I had always been friends! Anyway, we moved about 3 years ago and then not long after, they moved (must have not been the same in the ol' cul de sac without the Vogt's - LOL) just kidding. I'm sure it has been much more peaceful since our exit! Lucky for me, her hubby works here in Boise on occasion and so she and the kids were here last week. So, we decided to meet at a park and chat and let the kids play (and of course take some pictures! - side note: Shaina started learning photography before me and would always try to "talk shop" and talk about f-stops and ISO and metering, etc and I would just stare at her with a blank look on my face and tell her I had NO clue what she was talking about! It sounded like a foreign language to me (and once learning it all later on, I quickly realized that photography DOES indeed have it's "own language"!) but at this meeting, we were definitely able to talk shop and even try some new and fun things. Here are a few of my youngest 3 playing at the park - my twins that are 2 and one of their big brothers who is 3.
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