remember Leah from a few sessions ago?? I'm sure you do (how could we forget that beautiful belly!?) Well, less than 48 hours after our photo shoot, she delivered a healthy baby boy! I'd like you all to meet this adorable little bundle who was so easy (and a pleasure) to photograph! Aren't little boys so wonderful? Having 4 boys of my own, there's just something so special having a little guy think you are the world.... and when they wrap their arms around your neck - awww.. it just melts my heart! I can tell that's how Keoni is going to be with his mama :) We had a wonderful session and there were so many great shots to choose from! Here are a few that I really liked... enjoy!
We had both sets of grandparents there for the session (and what a lucky little guy to have such wonderful people in his life!). I always think it's pretty neat to have the lineage photographed, so we did a 3 generation photo - how fun!
Love love love love love love love LOVE IT!!!! Shandy, you are so awesome - and completely talented! I love these pictures! And I love the generation picture!
Love love love love love love love LOVE IT!!!! Shandy, you are so awesome - and completely talented! I love these pictures! And I love the generation picture!