And the award for longest distance traveled to get their pictures taken goes to the Calkins Family! (They came all the way from Denver CO!! and just to see little ol' me :) OK.. so that last add on is a little stretch... BUT they really are from CO and were in town visiting family over the holiday weekend so we scheduled in a session). If truth be told, we are old friends (and back in the day when I was more into scrapbooking, Amy taught me how to use eyelets! lol) and this morning I was fortunate to spend some time with them having fun (and getting some super cute images!!) Enjoy your little preview guys!

We also wanted to get a few downtown shots as well, and while there we found this AWESOME shopping cart! Now, we have all sorts of really FUN(ny) family shots encompassing this gem of a prop, but I just HAD to share this one! I have been chuckling all night while working on it (and like 3 or 4 times one of my boys would ask me what I was laughing at! seriously!).. .this literally makes me laugh out loud! how about you??