
Monday, September 21, 2009


Hi everyone! What a great summer I've had (thanks to many of you!!!) and the fall is 90% booked! I just wanted to come on and give an update of my available dates that are left this fall (and the cut off date to ensure all portraits are back in time to send out with Holiday cards, etc).

So as of today (Sept 21st - which is my hubby's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHNNY!) here's what I have left...

NOVEMBER: Thursdays & Fridays of the first 3 weeks and Saturday the 21st.

If you're needing or wanting portraits done this year, these dates will be given on a first come, first serve basis. However, I don't want to discourage anyone, so if none of these dates fit in with your schedule, please contact me to see if any special arrangements can be made :)

So what happens after November 21st you might be wondering? Well, I will be taking a few limited sessions throughout the winter months (particularly newborns and possibly a few families willing to brave the cold! lol) and then will be back in full force come SPRING 2010!

Thanks again for all of your support, words of encouragement and continual contact and bookings!! I have been blessed beyond measure and want to thank you all! I also want to thank my Heavenly Father for his continual blessings as well - I only say this because I know that He is the one who has ultimately blessed me and I would be ungrateful if I didn't recognize that!

oh, and also stay tuned for this week... I've got 3 super fun sessions that I'm looking forward to!!