
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Brandon - 6 months { Baby Child Photogapher Boise, ID }

It was an overcast and dreary day today - but I had a 45 min. burst of sunshine when I showed up to capture Brandon (commemorating his ripe age of 6 months!) Alright, on a little side note - I think I'm totally diggin' the whole 6 month age. They can sit up and smile and interact but can't get away yet by crawling and will stay where you put them! Yep, like I said - totally diggin' it. Anyway, we definitely had some fun and do you want to know my favorite part? When Brandon demanded (in a sweet kind of way) that we take a quick break and then he snuggled right into me! Melted my heart! He already knows how to win over the ladies - LOL. Enjoy your preview guys!

Alright, now is this next one not hilarious!? Mom going in for a little kiss and look at that face! You can almost imagine him saying "Awww.. c'mon mom! Enough already!"