Third (or in this instance... FOURTH) times a charm! Due to weather, sickness and just bad timing, we had to reschedule quite a few times... but it was totally worth it! You won't find too many families like this one! They've been through a lot but their spirits are strong and one would never guess that not too long ago Dayne (the youngest boy) was close to death. He had to have a bone marrow transplant and his big brother was willingly the donor (how incredible is that!?). The stories of faith and love Tonya has shared with me just confirm how special her children are!
Also, I just have to comment real quickly on the location.... love, love, LOVED this location out at the grandparents farm - and it offered such incredible backdrops! oh, and not to mention their incredibly awesome wardrobe! Enjoy your (not so little) sneak peek, Tonya!!

this next one just totally cracked me up!

Love me some twin pics! Hope was very adamant that Dayne put his hand around her shoulder (he kept trying to pull it down so she inevitably decided to just hold it there! LOL) Aren't they just the cutest things! (just like big sis and bro :)

The bottom right photo pulled at my heart strings! I can see the joy and thankfulness in moms face that she has yet another moment with her little boy!