
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Carlson Family [ Boise, ID Family photographer ]

While I absolutely loved the few winter/snow sessions (and hopefully MORE of you will want to take advantage of the refreshing look winter provides next year... hint, hint ;) but I am really looking forward to the change of weather and welcoming Spring (which of course bring more sessions - we've got several scheduled for April :)
So onto this latest session.... What can I say - I just love these guys! And I'm not just saying that because this is my little brother and his family! :)
They live in Nebraska but were able to come up for a little visit last week - which was too much fun! Hope is extremely talented in the creativity department and whipped up the most adorable matching skirts for the girls (which will definitely be a MUST photoshoot for me! lol). Even though it was still a tad bit cold and the kids were tired, we still had a great time and I think I might even have a new all time favorite image -- this first image! Everything about it I love! The way they are holding hands, their body language, the sun setting behind them giving us that incredible flair and the sun shining through Hope's hair is just the icing on the cake!

Now remember how I mentioned that it was cold and the kids were tired? Well, so we put them in the (heated) car with Grandma and Grandpa and did some fun shots with just the two of them - they are both so crazy cute and had all sorts of fun poses they tried!
So there we have it... the kick off to another photography season!