
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tuesday Tidbits

It's a shocker I know! Finally another Tuesday Tidbits from me :) I have to say that when I decided to do a little "fun facts" day here on the blog I thought it would be so easy to keep up with and do just once a week.... however, I was wrong - LOL! I'm not sure exactly when the next one will be - but enjoy this one for now! :)

1. 4th of July. I was excited and anticipating the shots I would be able to get this year. I was feeling confident since the girls were older, they would love looking at the "pretties". We had even practiced clapping and cheering at the fireworks earlier in the day. 10pm came - the camera and tripod were ready. The first mortar went off and with that, so did the girls! lol. They were so scared and cried and cried so I ended up having to take them home....without a single shot :( So I dug this one out from last year - and I hope everyone had a fun and fabulous 4th!
2. My 2nd son has been wanting a drum set for quite some time now. I always had an excuse why he couldn't.... my excuses ran dry - there is now a drum set in our garage.

3. We have really been enjoying our summer over here! The weather has been so pleasant and I have mostly loved not having to get up and get everyone ready for school! lol

4. Earlier this year I got set up to be able to accept credit cards! So now in addition to cash, check or paypal, we can process your credit cards right over the phone :) The feedback I got back from clients, stated this would be a convenience they'd like to see!
5. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. I'm excited about it!

6. I have several sessions I need to blog previews for! Stay tuned for some fun images coming your way soon :)

7. Yesterday I had a wonderful day. My awesome man was off of work (for the 4th) and we were able to get some much needed jobs done around the house. On Mondays, we try to have special family time and reconnect with each other. Last night we decided that it would be nice to get dressed up and take the family to the grounds of the LDS Temple. We were the only ones there and everything was perfect! So peaceful, serene and beautiful! Before we left, we thought we'd try to a quick family photo and put the camera on the tripod. I'm so glad that we did because I love this photo of my family! They are my greatest treasures...
Well, I suppose that's a good one to end on :) I hope everyone has a wonderful (and productive!) week!! Until next time...


  1. That picture is beautiful. I'm impressed you did it with a timer. You're amazing!

  2. oh Shandy, your family is just beautiful.
